Author Archive: admin

Author Archives for admin

Santa came to visit SGFD today! Firefighters & city PD members had a great time taking pics with their families and Santa while enjoying a small party together. Thank you to everyone who made it happen and happy holidays to one and all!



Ste Genevieve Fire Department Firefighters will be serving at McDonald’s this coming Tuesday, December 6th! 20% of all sales from 4-8pm will be donated to support your local Fire Department fire prevention programs and Toys for Tots. Please be sure to come out and show your support!!

Here are some photos of SGFD handing out candy this fall! We had a great time at truck or treat for Mississippi Lime, the Hospital and driving around Halloween night handing out candy to all the kids!

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Last week SGFD had a great time teaching about fire safety for fire prevention week at Ste Genevieve Elementary, Valle Catholic Elementary school and at our Fire Department! Awesome group of students and teachers. We look forward to coming back and doing it again next year![Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”7″ gal_title=”Fire Prevention Week 2016″]

Here are some pics from Vehicle Firefighting Training this week at SGFD! SGFD firefighters and firefighters from surrounding departments trained with Local Emergency Training Specialists in the class room and with live fire. A big thank you to Kraig Bone for coming out!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”6″ gal_title=”Vehicle Firefighting training 2016″]

SGFD here to remind you that it is National Fire Prevention week! This year the focus is on smoke alarms. Don’t Wait – Check the Date! Replace smoke alarms every 10 years. Please share & spread the life saving advice to your friends & family! You can find out more at: 2016_950x180_lo

Ste Genevieve County Technical Rescue Team members had training last night at the SGFD training tower! The tech rescue team was training for confined space and high angle rescue. It is made up from members living in the county including members of the Ste Genevieve Fire Department and surrounding fire departments.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”5″ gal_title=”Technical Rescue Team Training 2016″]

SGFD had a great time helping out with The BackStoppers Inc. bike and badge run last weekend! Always great bringing the trucks out and landing helicopters for a good cause!

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SGFD was on hand today at the BackStoppers Golf Classic at the Ste Genevieve Golf Club!

This is a great organization that we fully support.  Please be sure to visit their website for more information below:


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